Vaccinations And Immunizations

Central College is concerned for the welfare of each student and the Central community as a whole. The United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has specific immunizations recommendations for adults.  Following these recommendations, therefore, the college provides the following immunizations suggestions for each student entering Central College.  While Central College does not require proof of immunization/vaccination, all are highly recommended..

Measles, Mumps, Rubeola: Strongly Recommended

Many states require this set of immunizations through their public school systems. Central strongly encourages all new students (including transfers and internationals) born on or after January 1, 1957, to check with their physician for proof of immunization or immunity to measles, mumps, rubeola.  This immunization may be found on your immunization record listed as Measles, MMR, MR, or Rubeola (titer).  To be up-to-date with this vaccination, you should find proof of two measles and/or combination measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccination dates. The first measles vaccination was, generally, administered after one year of age with the second measles vaccination was administered at least 28 days after the first vaccination.  You may also wish to check for proof of immunity to measles through a positive rubeola (measles) titer (physician administered) or history of measles disease.

Meningitis:  Vaccination Strongly Recommended

The state of Iowa requires that all colleges and universities provide information on the meningitis vaccination to incoming students.  This information is both sent and provided online (click here).  It is recommended by the CDC that all students living in residence halls receive this vaccination.  At Central this vaccination is very strongly recommended.  Upon arriving on campus each year students are asked to verify they have received the meningitis information.

Tuberculosis Testing:  Strongly encouraged for all students

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.  For basic facts on tuberculosis, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s tuberculosis page.  All international students are required to have a TB test within two (2) months of entering the US.

Tuberculosis screening is required of all incoming international students, taking place during your international health screening visit prior to departing your home ocuntry.

Other Highly Recommended Immunizations for all students

  • Hepatitis A:  Hepatitis A is a viral liver infection that is associated with the consumtpion of contaminated food or water.  The vaccine is high recommended for college students, people with chronic liver disease, those that are sexually active, and for anyone traveling outside of the US.  This infection is usually spead by close personal contact and can be easily passed to others in the same houehold.   Two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine are needed for long lasting protection.  The doeses should be 6 months apart.
  • Hepatitis B:  The American College Health Associateion highly recommend all college students receive the Hep B vaccine, a series of three doses, if not already vaccinated.  Hep B is a viral infection that can cause inflammation of the liver, which can lead to chronic liver diseases, liver cancer, or liver failure.  This disease is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids.  Most cases found int he college population are those who are sexually active, especially if they have had multiple partners.
  • Varicella (Chickenpox):  Student who have not had Chickenpox or receieved the chickenpox vaccine should get two doses of the vaccine 4-8 weeks apart.
  • Influenza:  Flu is a common respiratory illness, usually occurring during winter months that can cause high fever, sore throat,m and dry cough for 5-7 days.  Immunizations should be received every year.  Immunization is particularly important for anyone with a high risk of complications from the flu such as people who have asthma, diabetes, or certain immunodeficiencies.  
  • Human Papillomavirus(HPV):  Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer in women.  It can cause genital warts and anal cancer in both men and women.  Neither vaccine can protect against every type of HPV.  Quadrivalent or bivalent HPV vaccine is given in a series of three injections to females between the ages of 11 and 26.  The quadrivalent vaccine is given in a series of three injections to males 9-26 years old.  More information about the two types of HPV vaccine is below:
    • The quadrivalent vaccine (protects against four strains of HPV) can prevent cervical and anal cancers and pre-cancers and genital warts.
    • The bivalent vaccine (protects against two strains fo HPV) can prevent cervical cancers and pre-cancers.