Student Medical Absence From Class

Student Absence from Class

When a minor illness occurs which causes absence from class, it is the student’s responsibility to notify his/her instructors of the reason he/she was absent from class.  When an extended illness, hospitalization, or family emergency occurs, it is the student’s responsibility to notify his/her faculty.  At times, it may not be possible for the student to notify all faculty in a timely manner due to extenuating circumstances.  In this case, the student should contact his/her Class Dean or the Dean of Students for assistance.  The dean will begin the process of notifying the student’s faculty and other college personnel by indicating the student will be absent and will contact faculty members and others upon return. 

Faculty members are responsible to determine what impact absences from their class may have.  Class Deans/Dean of Students do NOT provide written excuses for classes missed due to illness.