Finances And Money

Check Cashing

The controller’s office will cash personal checks for students for amounts up to $50. The student identification card must be presented. A $20 fee is assessed if a check cashed by the college fails to clear the banking

Automated Teller Machines (ATM)

ATM’s can be found at US Bank (west side of the city square), Marion County State Bank (on Main Street, one block east of the campus), Hy-Vee store (Old Hwy. 163 east) Wells Fargo (north side of city square) and on campus in the Maytag Student Center.

Vending Refunds

If you lose money in an on-campus snack or soda machine, you may claim a refund at the dining services office in The Central Market.

Student Accounts

Amounts assessed to a student for tuition, fees, room and board are due on the scheduled payment dates. A preliminary bill will be sent prior to that date. All accounts must be paid before a student may complete registration unless special arrangements are made with the controller. Temporary credit may be extended for the following reasons:

  1. Federal Direct (subsidized and unsubsidized) Stafford/Ford Loan, PLUS Loan or Partnership Loan funds pending disbursement. Loans are disbursed in two equal payments corresponding with the semesters at Central College. Students waiting for loan disbursements for any reason may either pay the account balance or sign a payment agreement with Central College indicating that loan funds are expected. Interest of 1 1/2 percent per month will be charged on the unpaid balance from registration day to payment date.
  2. Family financial emergency. In an unusual situation, after all savings, loans and outside sources of funds have been exhausted, you and your family may not have the funds to pay for your account. Although the college urges all families to plan ahead to avoid such situations, the realities of unforeseen emergencies may occur. Please contact Student Accounts to make special arrangements for payment. Interest of 1 1/2 percent per month will be charged on the unpaid balance from registration day to payment date.

SAFE program

The college offers an opportunity for students to invest funds in an interest bearing account in anticipation of paying college expenses. The college pays and compounds weekly interest at the U.S. Treasury Bill 13-week rate plus half of a percent. This account may be used to deposit work study earnings, loan proceeds and other funds until needed to pay for subsequent semesters. Automatic transfers are made from the SAFE accounts as college costs are incurred. For more information and an application, contact the Central Service Center.


Monthly Payment Plan

A monthly payment plan managed by Central College is available to students and families. An annual fee of $25 is required. For more information and an application, contact the Central Service Center.


Pre-registration and Housing Deposit

For returning students who wish to reserve courses for the following academic year and live on campus, his/her student account must be paid in full, with an additional $25 deposit for course reservations and $200 deposit for housing. The credits are applied against the student’s fall semester bill. If the student decides not to return, the deposits are nonrefundable.