Reported Incidents, Arrests And Violations

The federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires colleges and universities to publish, and make available to current and prospective students and employees, data about certain crimes occurring on their campuses.

 The data reported in the following tables was obtained by individuals and offices on campus considered to be Student Safety authorities and also through communication with local and international law enforcement agencies. Campus authorities include student safety, individuals responsible for processing student conduct matters and institutional officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. This includes the athletic director, team coaches, faculty advisors, student development personnel – including residence life. Beginning with the report year 1999, those who have significant counseling responsibilities are voluntary reporters, but are encouraged to report annually; on Central’s campus that includes licensed counselors and the chaplain. However, data on crimes reported to the counselors or chaplain is recorded when it is available as anonymous statistical information, and a system has been devised to avoid duplicate reports.

 All campus personnel are encouraged to officially report when they become knowledgeable of an incident. Prior to the publishing of this report on October 1 formal requests are sent out so that all reported incidents may be included in the final statistics.  Knowledge of any crime or suspicious activity that occurred on campus can be reported anonymously on on-line form. Click here for Central Sees Website. Information will be kept confidential within the limits of the law. Criminal activity should be reported to student safety staff, the student development office and/or the Pella police. Crimes may be reported confidentially, requesting inclusion in the annual crime statistics, to either the campus chaplain or counselors. In this case, confidential reporting shall be defined as a report filed in verbal or written form, deemed to be legitimate and that no particular action is requested by the reporting party.