Campus Lingo

Bos Bos Landen Golf Course and Resort, located 3 miles from campus
CAB Campus Activities Board
Central Hall Main administration building on campus
CUIFS Now called Central Market (one of the three meal options on campus), formerly Central University of Iowa Food Service
(pronounced kweefs)
El Charro Popular Mexican restaurant in Pella, only 1 block from campus
Fred’s  Another option for meals on campus
(formerly GCS- Grand Central Station)
Gaass  Gaass Residence Hall, the second of the two coed traditional residence halls
(pronounced G AHH SS)
Geisler Geisler library
Graham Graham Residence Hall, the only all-female traditional residence hall
Hoffman Hoffman Residence Hall, one of the two all-male traditional residence halls
ID Cards Student identification card, which functions as a proximity card (key) to enter residence halls, student id, and to obtain meals
Kuyper  Kuyper Athletic Facility or Kuyper Fieldhouse
(pronounced K EYE PER)
Maytag Maytag Student Center
Piet  Pietenpol Residence Hall, one of the two all-male traditional residence halls
(pronounced PEET)
RA Resident Advisor:  a student living in the residence halls that can help direct you to resources on campus as well as facilitate activities, provide support, and be there to assist when you might need it.
Red Rock Lake Red Rock, located 10 minutes from campus, features hiking and biking trails, fishing, and camping
Scholte  Scholte Residence Hall, one of two coed traditional residence halls
(pronounced SKOL TEE)
Smokey Row Popular local coffee shop
SOS Student Orientation Leaders
The Brew Popular downtown coffee locale and study area.
The Café The Café at Geisler Library (another meal option on campus and popular on-campus coffee shop)
The SIO The Student Involvement Office…second floor of Maytag Center.
The Square/Uptown Downtown Pella which features, restaurants, entertainment, and shopping, located 3 blocks from campus
Tulip Time Pella’s annual Spring festival.  Everyone helps and is involved.  Great fun.
Van Emmerik Multipurpose media presentation room available for classroom and entertainment viewing of video film.
Vermeer  Vermeer Science Center