Rationale: Alcohol Policy

The 1989 amendments to the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, Part 86, requires that as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under a federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. The basis for the Central College policy stems from our belief that alcohol use by college age students is counterproductive to the pursuit of academic excellence. While we believe that alcohol use is not inherently detrimental to college age individuals, a high percentage of college age students are involved in the abusive behaviors associated with alcohol use. The college believes it unfeasible to provide the facilities and resources necessary for controlled and safe consumption and therefore establishes that all such consumption should be done in off-campus venues more appropriately equipped to handle activities of this nature. College-sponsored events held at non-college owned facilities may not involve third-party vendors to provide alcoholic beverages. Facilities with established in-house distribution sites, i.e. a bar in a bowling alley, must be informed of the predominance of underage attendees and the college expectation that reasonable means be taken to determine age before serving.

Research has shown that students may choose to consume alcohol. Central College is committed to the education of the whole person, both in and out of the classroom. Recognizing the prominence of alcohol use and abuse in our society and that policy does not necessarily dictate behavior, we deem educating our students on these issues to be of paramount importance. To be most effective, we believe it critical to establish an environment that allows for this topic to be freely discussed. Therefore, issues of use and abuse brought to our attention out of concern for personal well-being or those in need of counseling may not be dealt with through the disciplinary process. While we do not condone policy violations, it is more important that students in potential trouble get the attention and care necessary to correct life diminishing behaviors.