3. Organization And Business Of The Faculty

A.  The Faculty organizes itself to teach, administer, and govern the academic programs of the college.

B.  Faculty business is normally handled by faculty committees before submission to the full Faculty. No policy decision of any committee is binding on the Faculty. Standing and Ad hoc committees recommend to the Faculty items for information or action.

C.  Every faculty member has the right to attend and to be heard at any meeting of a standing committee. However, if there is business which cannot be handled apart from strict confidentiality, a committee may, for that purpose only, vote to meet in private session.

D.  Faculty business is conducted at regular and special meetings of the Faculty during the academic year. The President of the College, or designee, acts as chair of the faculty meeting and appoints a secretary.

E.  Only members of the Faculty as described in FC.1 are entitled to vote at faculty meetings.

F.  Unless otherwise specified in this constitution, faculty meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order. Additionally, any request by a faculty member for a secret recorded ballot is binding upon the chair.