G. Procedures For Non-Tenure-Line Appointments

Non tenure-line appointments are made at the rank of either lecturer or visiting faculty. Lecturers with 0.50 FTE or greater have a Formal Department Review every three years. Every six years, this review is replaced by a Formal Department and Administrative review.

1. Annual Review of Course Evaluations
The department chair reviews student course evaluations for all non-tenure-line appointments prior to annual reappointment.

2. Formal Department Review
Every three years, lecturers with 0.50 FTE or greater are formally evaluated by their department chair.
a. By 1 February: The candidate submits a portfolio that includes an updated curriculum vitae, a Professional Statement of Goals and Accomplishments in the area of teaching along with syllabi and materials from representative courses.
b. The department chair makes at least one classroom observation during the fall semester.
c. By 1 April: The department chair meets with the candidate to discuss the candidate’s Statement and performance.

3. Formal Department and Administrative Review
Every six years, lecturers with 0.50 FTE or greater are formally evaluated by their department chair and the VPAA/Dean of the Faculty (or designate). This review takes the place of the regular three-year Department Review.
a. By 1 February: The candidate submits a portfolio that includes an updated curriculum vitae, a Professional Statement of Goals and Accomplishments in the area of teaching along with syllabi and materials from representative courses, and the most recent past Professional Statement of Goals and Accomplishments.
b. By 1 February: The candidate’s file includes the previous six semesters of student course evaluations.
c. The department chair makes at least one classroom observation during the fall semester.
d. By 1 April: The VPAA/Dean of the Faculty (or designate) and department chair meet with the candidate to discuss the candidate’s current and most recent Statement and performance.