Compensation For Training (non-Exempt Employees)

The college may provide employees the opportunity to attend seminars and training programs. Time spent at training or seminars is permitted where such scheduling does not interfere with the employee’s job responsibilities and is approved by the immediate supervisor in advance. When a non-exempt employee’s attendance at the training or seminar is voluntary, outside the normal working hours, not job related and the employee does not otherwise perform work for the college while at the seminar/training, then the time spent at the seminar/training will be unpaid. Under those circumstances, the employee, with prior approval of his/her supervisor, may use vacation or take the time unpaid.  If the training or seminar is required* and/or directly related to the employee’s job** (see explanations below), Central College will compensate the employee for all hours the employee is required to be in attendance at the training/seminar.  Whether or not travel time to/from the training is paid will depend on individual circumstances (i.e., location/time of travel/type of travel) and should be discussed with your supervisor prior to attending the seminar.    

*Attendance is required if:

  • the employer (supervisor) requires it;
  • the employee understands or is led to believe that not attending the seminar/training will adversely affect his or her present working conditions; 
  • not attending will adversely affect the employee’s continued employment; or
  • disciplinary action will be taken against the employee for not attending. 

**A seminar or training is directly related to an employee’s job if it is designed to make the employee perform his or her job more effectively or to teach him or her something he or she needs to know to do his or her job. The seminar or training would not be directly related to the employee’s job if it were designed to train him or her for another job or prepare an employee for advancement through upgrading the employee’s skill level.