C. Grievance Process Pool

The resolution processes below rely on a pool of trained investigators, administrators, or other individuals (“the Pool”) to carry out the process. The Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the President, appoints the Pool, which acts with independence and impartiality. The College reserves the right to appoint external Pool members with expertise in investigation and in chairing/facilitating hearings.
Members of the Pool may serve in in the following roles, at the direction of the Title IX Coordinator:

  • To act as an Advisor to the parties
  • To investigate complaints
  • To serve as a Chair/hearing facilitator
  • To serve as a Decision-maker regarding the complaint
  • To serve as an Appeal Officer

Pool members involved in the process of investigating, responding, coordinating or otherwise assisting in the adjudication of complaints will receive annual training as required on the topics of 1) impartiality, 2) avoiding prejudgment of facts at issue, 3) conflicts of interest and bias, 4) the College’s resolution processes, 5) issues of relevance and evidence, 6) the scope of the College’s educational programs and activities, 7) types of harassment and discrimination; and (8) how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the rights, well-being, and safety of the parties, provides an equitable process for all parties involved, and promotes accountability. The materials used to train members of the Pool are publicly posted here: https://www.central.edu/about/title-ix/.